Sunday, October 6, 2013

Animal Farm Homework

1. In what ways do the animals in the novel act like humans? In what ways do they retain their identities as animals? 

Each of the animals has their own personality with different positive and negative traits that go along with it. For example Boxer the big brown horse with a white strip down his nose (page 5), is not to smart, but is respected in the barn for his steadiness of character and how hard he works. This is the same type of thing that happens with Humans. Everyone has friends or knows people like this. This person may not be smart but you still respect them for their effort and their steadiness of  character.

2. What is the main message of Old Major's speech in the barn?

I think his message is that the animals on the farm is that the animals need to stand up for themselves and other animals and that they should stand up for other animals. Old Major clearly believed that man was the enemy and that they should do everything in their power to stop them.

3.According to Old Major's speech, under what principles should the farm operate?

The principles that Man and Animal should be treated equally and that everyone on the farm should be a place for animals to live long lives not short lives and then having to be eaten. 

4. What happens during and after the rebellion?

Im not sure. The rebellion has not started yet. Just talk of a rebellion.

5. What do you think about the seven commandments of Animal Farm? What do they suggest about the basic instincts of the animals? 

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