Sunday, October 20, 2013

1. In what ways are the animals of Animal Farm building a good community? 
The pigs were the smartest animals . They directed  and supervised the others, they assumed leadership. The animals had structure, on Sundays, they met and debated the weeks work and planned and placed resolutions. There was no wasting food, stealing, no jealousy or arguing. Work on the farm ran like clockwork.

2. Does everyone contribute equally to the farm? Explain your answer by referring to at least two characters.
No,  everyone did not contribute equally. "Everyone worked according to there capacity, nobody stole or grumbled over his rations. Almost nobody complained. For example,  "Molly,  was not good at getting up in the mornings" , she often had excuses to skip work. And the cats behavior was peculiar, she would never be found when there was work to be done.  
3. What clues show that Napoleon and Snowball are heading for conflict?
Snowball became busy organizing animal committees like the Egg Production Committee and Clean Tails League. He started reading and writing classes for the animals. His ideas were all a failure. Napoleon did not care for any of Snowball's ideas.  He changed the structure and began giving all the milk and the apples to the pigs saying the pigs were the brain workers. He felt that education was the most important thing.

 5. The pigs control lots of things. What do they control? 
The pigs control the farm. They are the brain workers, they are clever.  So, they didn't work, they just assumed leadership and  bossed everyone around.

6. How does Snowball simplify the Seven Commandments?
He said ," Four legs good, two legs bad"contained the essential principal of Animalism.

7. Why do you think Snowball simplifies the Seven Commandments?
The stupider animals were unable to learn the 7 casements by heart.

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