Sunday, October 6, 2013

Q's for Animal Farm (Week 1)-Tais

1. In what ways do the animals in the novel act like humans? In what ways do they retain their identities as animals?
They all have different personalize and they all acted like humans. The have meeting(pg.6-14) and the a horse is descried as not to smart, but is respected in the barn for his steadiness of character and how hard he works (pg.6). This is sometimes how people descried friends or family.

2. What is the main message of Old Major's speech in the barn?The main message in the speech is that the animals do not like the humans because they would be killed and they Old Major talked about his dream and how the newer generation is not singing as much as he did when he was a little piglet. 

I think his speech is telling all the animals to stand up for themselves and that they should not let the humans take over they lives. 

3. According to Old Major's speech, under what principles should the farm operate?
He is saying that Man and Animals should be treated equally with the same rights as human do. He is standing up for that the animals in England.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you are saying. #2 confuses me . Which one is your answer? Otherwise like i said, i agree. We made the same point in #1. I just have one question- In what ways did Old Major say that animals and humans should have the same rights? How would this affect humans? This might make your last paragraph a little bit longer.
