Saturday, October 12, 2013

Q's for Animal Farm (Week 2)-Tais

1. How is the farm described after the rebellion? What picture is painted and what atmosphere is there? Identify words or phrases that support your answer. 
It is described as a peaceful place where the animals are able to run free with no farms telling them what to do.

2. There are several examples of humor in chapter two. Pick 2 examples and explain why they are funny. 
I think the funnest parts are when they go into the house and see the pigs hanging and got them down and when the milk the cows. The pigs milking to the cows is funny because they are pigs milking a cow. Then I like the part when they go into the house because when they see the pigs hanging they look then take them down

3. Why do you think the other animals are so easily led by the pigs? Would you have been so willing to follow another leader after you had freed yourself of oppression? 

I think that they listen to the pigs because they are the smartest animals on the farm. The pigs also easily persuasive all the other animals and they need a leader like that.  

4. What do you think about the seven commandments of Animal Farm? What do they suggest about the basic instincts of the animals? 
I think that it is an alright idea because maybe the animals might break they. I think that their instincts will tell them not to go into the house. 

5. What do you think happened to the milk? 

I think that Napoleon drank all the milk. I think this because he said "I shall follow in a few minutes." This shows that he could drank all the milk.

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