Monday, October 28, 2013

1.Imagine you are a reporter for the newspaper published near Animal Farm. Write an article about the Battle of the Cowshed. Make your story as impartial as possible, reporting the facts and avoiding judgments. Remember a good newspaper story answers the questions: Who? What? Where? When? How? and Why?

Snowball and Napoleon sent flights of pigeons to the surrounding farms to mingle with the animals to tell them the story of the Rebellion and to teach them the tune of Beast of England.
 Farmer Jones always complained about his farm being taken over by a pack of animals.  Farmer Pilkington who owns Foxwoods an old neglected farm along with Mr.Frederik who owns Pinchfield a small well-kept farm and who is always involved with lawsuits, laughed at the idea of animals running a farm.
They charged into the farm and farmer Jones had a gun in his hands. Snowball ordered the pigeons and geese to attack, shortly the men shouted triumph. Snowball ordered a second attack, all the farm animals came from every angle. At one point, Jones shot the gun killing a sheep and Napoleon knocked over a farm boy.
The battle was named “Cowshed” because during the battle the animals hid in the Cowshed. Snowball made a rule that any animal of Animal Farm must die for their farm at any given moment…There was sad funeral for the sheep that died. Snowball was named Hero First Class with a ceremony and  the gun was placed at the foot of the flag post.
On October the 12th is the anniversary of “The Battle Of the Cowshed”. On a Mid-summer day two shots are fired for respect of the sheep who died.  

1 comment:

  1. This is really well done Cecilia. Your report is very detailed and clear.
