Sunday, October 20, 2013

Q's for Animal Farm (Week 3)-Tais

1. In what ways are the animals of Animal Farm building a good community?
Now that they kicked Farmer Jones our, they are harvesting the crops, for example, corn and the wheat. They are also making committees for the animals. For example they make a committee for education, for eggs (Hens), for wool (sheep), for cleaning tails (cows), etc...

2. Does everyone contribute equally to the farm? Explain your answer by referring to at least two characters.

No. Not everyone contributes. One of them is the cat. The cat goes and when she is assigned something she goes off and she comes back when it is dinner time or when the job is done. Also I think the pigs do not do anything. All they do is supervise what the other animals do.  

3. What clues show that Napoleon and Snowball are heading for conflict?
They do not agree with anything thy say. When one says something the other has to argue with the other one. When they have a debate Snowball concurs what Napoleon says and the same goes with Napoleon.

4. What is your opinion about Squealer? What role does he play on the farm? 

Squealer does not have a big role in the farm. All he does is sit there and listens to what Snowball and Napoleon say.

5. The pigs control lots of things. What do they control? 

They control the committees, they control the animals, they control the meeting, they basely control everything that is on the farm. They do not let the horses control the field, and they don't let the hens control the coop.

6. How does Snowball simplify the Seven Commandments?

He says " Four legs are good and two legs are bad".

7. Why do you think Snowball simplifies the Seven Commandments?

He simplified the Seven Commandments because he wants everyone to remember them. He made it easer for the dumb animals ( Like Boxer, the hens, and the sheep) to remember them.

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