Monday, October 7, 2013

Jonluc's Answers

1. They animals are organized and talk. The animals are also smarter because if they weren't they would not be able to talk. Also it is Human nature to try to escape; for example animals in barns try not to escape or take over there owner. They still keep there animal traits, like what they look like what they eat, and their personalities.
2. He says that they need to free themselves of his cruelty because he forgets about them and they aren't treated right. He also says that they need to stand up for themselves.
3. He believes that they should be treated the same as humans because the humans really rely on them because humans can not do what they do.


  1. I agree with this, but look and the spelling and wording

  2. Some of the spelling and grammar is incorrect but i agree with what you are saying. Proofread before you hit publish.
