Sunday, October 13, 2013

Animal Farm chapter 2

1. How is the farm described after the rebellion? What picture is painted and what atmosphere is there? Identify words or phrases that support your answer. 

I think that the farm gives a sense of freedom. The animals are free to eat all they want, and roam freely.I also think that it is not a chaotic free land. There is a sense of leadership and happiness. 

2. There are several examples of humor in chapter two. Pick 2 examples and explain why they are funny. 

I like the part when they go into the house and say nothing is to be touched and compare it to a museum. They are so careful too. They are preserving human things just like we do with historic human things- like clothing, pots, pans etc. 

3. Why do you think the other animals are so easily led by the pigs? Would you have been so willing to follow another leader after you had freed yourself of oppression? 

I think it is because the common belief is that the pigs are the smartest animals. The fact Old Major was a pig could also have something to do with respect.

4. What do you think about the seven commandments of Animal Farm? What do they suggest about the basic instincts of the animals? 

I think that it shows how anti-human they really are. They say things that basically mean that if a human goes on the farm they will harm the human. I think its just another way the author shows the hostility the animals show towards the humans. 

5. What do you think happened to the milk? 

I think that the animals Napoleon may have made something for the animals or done something special for them. I doubt he drank the milk all on his own. He is a leader and he cares about other animals.

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