Tuesday, October 15, 2013

1. The animals are astonished that they gained their freedom that they deserved. there is also Happiness going around and even if a problem arouses it is easily solved (milking the cows). There is also a peace since because the animals do the work and it is all fair and they are starting to form a type of system that every body is equal (Communism).

2. I found the part were the pigs milk the cow and out them in buckets. I found this funny because in real life something like this would be very hard to complete, but because they are smart and are able to talk they probable figured out how to complete the task with ease. Another part that i found funny was the part when the pigs were standing on buckets and they had to help it stand still, because they were not physical designed for completing a task of something like this. I find it to be funny as the hopelessly try to stand on them.

3. The rest of the animals were listening to the pigs because, they were always the leaders and the smartest. If I were to gain freedom but then be taken over again I would not be surprised, because you need a leader to get things done, furthermore the pigs are on there side and believe in the cause for there rebellion.

4. Everybody needs rules or the world would be in chaos and the leader would not have much surport to stop them because there were no rules telling him not to. the rules also let animals be animals because they don't want to be like humans.

5. I think someone drank the milk but i don't think they were alone or they drank some and hide the rest but I don't know who did it

1 comment:

  1. I so agree. I agree with is "Everybody needs rules or the world would be in chaos and the leader would not have much support to stop them because there were no rules telling him not to."
