Tuesday, November 26, 2013

1. I would think that the pigs would be scarer because they were like all the other animals but then changed and then became evil to the other animals. plus they don't enough food as before and still have to work harder,
2.no the pigs were the rest of the animals master and that they were not equal, that they were workers but they did work for a better life but the pigs got the best of it and did not need to do much.
3. The pigs were trying to say that they were not animals but yet humans and were like a regular farm of a human running it and animals doing a lot of the work. -jonluc

Monday, November 25, 2013

Q's for Animal Farm (Week 10)-Tais

1. “...not knowing whether to be more frightened of the pigs or the human visitors.” Who do you think is more frightening for the animals now? Why?
I think that the animals are frightened because the pigs are becoming more and more like Mr. Jones, sometime even worse. This was a civilized farm with commandments and a bright future for the animals, but ever since Snowball was chased out, the farm has been going down hill. Commandments have been broken and a lot animals have died.

2. “It might be that their lives were hard and that not all of their hopes had been fulfilled; but they were conscious that they were not as other animals. If they were hungry, it was not from feeding tyrannical  human beings; if they worked hard, at least they worked for themselves. No creature among them went upon two legs. No creature called any other creature ‘Master’. All animals were equal.”
Is this an accurate portrayal of Animal Farm? Explain your answer.
No this is not accurate. The pigs were treated better than all the animals. The pigs got more food and more privileges (sleeping on the bed, making laws). All the other animals were working like slaves.

3. What do you think about Napoleon renaming Animal Farm? What message or point to you think Orwell is making through this?
I think that it shows how selfish Napoleon is, and how fast he turned on Mr. Jones. I think that Orwell is showing us how much power Napoleon really has over the farm.

Grace ch. 10

1. “...not knowing whether to be more frightened of the pigs or the human visitors.”Who do you think is more frightening for the animals now? Why?

I think that right now the animals are scarier because they turned into humans. They are looking more and more like humans and breaking all of the commandments. The pigs drink alcohol and sleeps on beds. This is what Mr. Jones did except now it is an animal not a human. Mr. Jones is also no longer at the farm so it is not as bad as Mr. Jones being there. If Mr. Jones was back then they would be scared of Mr. Jones again. It all depends on the person and the timing.

2. “It might be that their lives were hard and that not all of their hopes had been fulfilled; but they were conscious that they were not as other animals. If they were hungry, it was not from feeding tyrannical human beings; if they worked hard, at least they worked for themselves. No creature among them went upon two legs. No creature called any other creature Master’. All animals were equal.”Is this an accurate portrayal of Animal Farm? Explain your answer.
This is not an accurate portrayal of Animal Farm. All of the animals were supposed to be equal but they were not. The pigs have been being treated better.They get larger rations and get better sleeping arrangements. The pigs treat the other animals poorly just like Mr. Jones treated them. Nothing has changed for the animals which defeats the purpose of the separation from Jones.

3. What do you think about Napoleon renaming Animal Farm? What message or point to you think Orwell is making through this?
I think it was showing just how much Napoleon has turned into Mr. Jones. I think that Orwell did that to put emphasis on the fact of how much power Napoleon has and how he has turned into an animal that can holds power over the whole farm.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Chapter 10 questions

Please answer the following questions by Tuesday 26 November at 8:20am

1. “...not knowing whether to be more frightened of the 
pigs or the human visitors.”
Who do you think is more frightening for the animals 
now? Why?

2. “It might be that their lives were hard and that not all 
of their hopes had been fulfilled; but they were  
conscious that they were not as other animals. If they   were hungry, it was not from feeding tyrannical  
human beings; if they worked hard, at least they 
worked for themselves. No creature among them went 
upon two legs. No creature called any other creature 
‘Master’. All animals were equal.”

Is this an accurate portrayal of Animal Farm? Explain your answer.

3. What do you think about Napoleon renaming 
Animal Farm? What message or point to you think  
Orwell is making through this?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chapter 10

As a group, you are going to create a graph that tracks the quality of life of the animals from chapter 1 through to chapter 10. 
We will scan your graph and upload it to the blog. 
This will be done in class on Tuesday 26 November. 

Ch.9 Grace

1. How does Orwell create sympathy for Boxer before he is taken away in the van. Give at least examples, using quotations. 
He made you feel bad by boxer by saying "But a moment later his
face disappeared from the window and there was the sound of a tremendous
drumming of hoofs inside the van. He was trying to kick his way out." This made you feel and see how helpless he really was. He did not realize that he was walking into his own death, not getting into a bus to people trying to save them.

2. Write a journal entry from Boxer's point of view when he is taken in the van. Consider what he can see, hear, smell and feel? Be as descriptive as possible. 

Dear Friends back at the farm,
          If you are reading this, it probably means I am no longer with you and my injury killed me. Do not be fooled by my actions as I worked at the farm. I was sold short at the farm. I had some logic and I had technique. Here is my advice to you. Work hard. Working hard will get you on Napoleons good side and he will treat you better. NEVER doubt Napoleon. Doubting him will only get you killed. Let what happens happen. The dogs will hurt you. They are stronger than you and they will hurt you. Be careful. 

Your friend, 
3. What do you think is the biggest betrayal of Boxer:
    (a) the fact that he didn't get to enjoy his retirement 
    after working so hard?
    (b) the fact that he was killed?
    (c) the fact that his last words were misrepresented?
    (d) his remains were used to buy a case of whiskey?

Explain your answer. 

I think the biggest betrayal was when Napoleon spent the money he got from sending another animal away to be killed, to buy whiskey for himself. He did not do anything in memory of Boxer. He just spent money on himself. Boxer was the hardest working animal on the farm and Napoleon should have done something in honor of him. He Injured himself working and spent his whole life trying to help out the farm.

Chapter 9- Jonluc
1. He has always made us feel sad for boxer and that everybody loves him and that we want him to stay and help the rest of the animals rebell against Napoleon as he says that he will finally be able to retire and gaze on the grass.
2. I walked into the van thinking that I will be out of the hospital in a couple of days and would be finally able to retire. Only I did not know that I would not be able to return home but turned into glue and killed in the process. When I got in the van I heard everybody saying goodbye. Then I heard shouting outside but I could not tell what they were saying. I looked up and say that everybody was shouting at me but I did not know what they were saying, so I laid back down and then the carriage began to move.
3. I think the biggest betrayal was that they sold him for a case of whiskey. This shows that they did not care and saw only values of him instead of a hard worker and a fellow animal. There have no respect for the other animals only themselves, the worst thing is that they spent the money on themselves for there own pleasure of drinking which makes them even more like Johns which is something that they said that they would not be like him and that they are even worse then him, because they hardly feed them and make them do cruel work and only care for themselves. They are taking it way to far and that they will be taken over the same way Johns was.