Sunday, November 17, 2013

1. They animals think that it was different because it was, the pigs changed the rules so that they can be flexible and do what they want to stay in power.
2. I do not know what you are talking about the change in tone.
3. when someone is in power it can go to there head and completely change there personality when they have power over people and are more important then others in there eyes.
4.When you relay on memories you have a vage remembrance of what it was and if someone told you that it was something else your brain would think it was and make a picture of what it was.
5. I could remember this happening when i would not write down my homework and I could not remember what it was.
6.The name is show that it was a success of Napoleon and that he was the one who built it when he didn't even lift a finger.
7.This shows that he thinks that he is more important then the rest of the animals and that he should be the one every body protects while he is safe behind the action. He is very selfish.
8. Boxer says it was a lost while squealer says it was a won battle, I agree with squealer but because he did not help and fled I would stand behind boxer on this one.
9.Boxer is hit the hardest because he knows that he will have to work harder and faster and that it would take a lot longer but then it hits him that he had gained age and that he is getting very old.

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