Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Chapter 7- Grace

“ ‘Ah, that is different!’ said Boxer. ‘If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right.’” How important is it to question those in authority? Where do you draw the line? Is there a line? Is this something we take for granted?

I think that it is important to draw the line of authority. In my personal opinion, it depends on the case and how much trust you instill in the person. If you have no trust in someone you probably wouldn't let them tell you what to do, on the other hand if you trust someone a lot then you would probably think they know what's best for you and that you should trust them. Like I said it depends on the person. For example, if you mom tells your that you should buy a house instead if an apartment you would have more inclination to listen to her rather than a random person that you do not know, telling you that you should buy a house.
Authority can be taken for granted. I think that when we look at the president we see a dude who stands on a podium and signs papers, but the president does so much more than that. Without a person to oversee everything imagine how many wars we would be in. On a smaller scale, we take many police officers for granted. They keep our streets safe. Or our teachers. In america we see a teacher who is payed to stand in front us and speak but in reality stand in front of us to shape us into caring people who have opinions, and the ability to get and make jobs. If we didn't have the president, police officers, or teachers imagine how this world would be different.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Grace - this is a really impassioned response! Thank you. I am also please to see you including transitions in your writing!
