Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chapter 9

Read chapter 9 and complete the following on Thursday 21 November:

1. How does Orwell create sympathy for Boxer before he is taken away in the van. Give at least examples, using quotations. 

2. Write a journal entry from Boxer's point of view when he is taken in the van. Consider what he can see, hear, smell and feel? Be as descriptive as possible. 

3. What do you think is the biggest betrayal of Boxer:
    (a) the fact that he didn't get to enjoy his retirement 
    after working so hard?
    (b) the fact that he was killed?
    (c) the fact that his last words were misrepresented?
    (d) his remains were used to buy a case of whiskey?

Explain your answer. 

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