Sunday, November 17, 2013

Q's for Animal Farm (Week 8)-Tais

1. Although the animals “think” they remember the Sixth Commandment, they cannot be sure. Why is this? What message is Orwell conveying through this plot point?
They can not "remember" the sixth commandment because over night when all the animals are sleeping, the pigs change the wording or add words to the end of it. The sixth commandment was " no animal shall kill any other animals", but they changed it so it would be " no animal shall kill any other animals without cause".

2. When the animals are executed, the sentence structure if very straightforward reflecting the matter of fact tone. Why do you think Orwell chose to write it this way?
I think that he wanted it to be structured this way, because he wanted it the dogs to kill the animals and wanted evreyone to then forget about it.

3. “Pinkeye was given the task of tasting all his [Napoleon’s] food before he ate it.” Napoleon becomes increasingly distanced and paranoid from those he seeks to control. Why do you think leaders have the propensity to become disconnected from their subjects?  
I think that Napoleon is petrified that Snowball or Mr. Jones will come back and take other the farm. Napoleon thinks that Snowball and Mr. Jones are trying to poison him because he come over the farm, and they want it back.

4. What is the danger of relying only on memories?
It is not the best idea because the animals will be treated and they can forget and no one will believe the animals because it was changed on the wall. 

5. With regards to your response to Q4, can you think of a personal example where this has happened (you have "mis-remembered" something)?
Sometimes I do not write my homework down and then when I get home I text the whole class to see what the homework was becuase I did not write in down.

6. What do you think about the naming of the Windmill?
I think that the naming of the windmill was not the best name for it. I think that the power is way over Napoleon's head, and he thinks that everything has to be named after him. I think the windmill should have been named after the battle or one of the animals that fought.

7. Napoleon was “directing operations from the rear”. What does this tell us about Napoleon?
This tells me that Napoleon is a coward. He should have been in the front like Snowball in the first battle, after all he is the "leader". I think that this show that he is lazy and not ready to take on roll of leader. He show give it up and hand it over to another animal, like Boxer.

8. The animals disagree on the definition of a victory. Who sees the battle as
(a) victorious and why?
(b) a defeat and why?
Who do you agree with and why?
The animals think the battle as a defeat and the pigs believe that the battle was a victory. I agree with the animals because the lost the windmill and a lot of the animals. In the first battle they lost one animals and the windmill, but that is a lot less than lossing a lot of animals.

9. Who is hit hardest by the destruction of the
windmill and why?

I think that Boxer was hit the hardest with the destruction of the windmill. I think this because he worked on it day and night, not giving up, not sleeping because he when out to work on it in the early mornings or stayed up late at night. He worked so hard for it to disappear.

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