Monday, November 4, 2013

Q's for Animal Farm (Week 5-6)-Tais

1. Why do you think Napoleon decided to educate the young puppies in seclusion? 
Napoleon had a plan along to take over animals farm and he wanted all the animals to do all the work and he thought that he would sit back and relax.

2. Chapter 6 describes life on the farm now that Napoleon has taken control. How does life for the animals compare to the life they led under Mr Jones?

The animals are treated like slave. They have to work 6 days and on Sunday the animals have to work in the afternoon. They get less food and the animals do not question Napoleon. Napoleon is turning into Jones.

3. What are your feelings about Boxer in this chapter? Give evidence to support your answer. 

Even thought he does not remember the alphabet, Boxer is a very hard worker. He gets very thing done and he always wants to impress Napoleon. He said "if Napoleon says it then it must be right". He believes that everything Napoleon says and does. 

4. Another commandment is broken in this chapter. Which one is it?  

There are two rules changed. One is that the animals have to work on Sundays to speed up work on the windmill. Also Napoleon came up with a plan that if anything is needed they go to the neighboring farms. Also fourth commandment was broken, all the pigs slept on the beds.

5. How does Squealer explain this? 
He says that they need to speed up the work so that means not time off. They do not get to rest. They are being worked to hard. All the pigs are becoming tyrants and making all the other animals their slaves. It all comes down to power and intelligence.  

6. How does Squealer explain the pigs’ move into the farm house? 

He is saying that the pigs need a place to rest their minds, because they think to much. I think that the pigs do nothing and all the other animals like Boxer need a bed because they work to much.

7. What has changed in the writing of the Seven Commandments? What is your opinion about this?
I think that is farm is going down hill with Napoleon. They should just throw them out of the way because the animals do not follow them. I think that they should just have one commandments to follow, "four legs good, two legs bad." I wonder if the commandment counts for animals on hind legs? 

8. With what threat are the animals constantly reminded by Squealer?
They are constantly reminded that if they do not work hard, Jones would come back and take over the farm. All the animals are afraid of Jones, so they do what they are told to do. 

1 comment:

  1. This is great Tais! I especially love your comment on question 7 which begins "I wonder..." - your understanding of the text is clear and you're obviously thinking deeply about the characters. Great job!
