Thursday, November 21, 2013

Q's for Animal Farm (Week 9)-Tais

1. How does Orwell create sympathy for Boxer before he is taken away in the van. Give at least examples, using quotations. 
'Quick, quick!' he shouted. `Come at once! They're
taking Boxer away!' Without waiting for orders from the pig, the animals broke
o ff work and raced back to the farm buildings. Sure enough, there in the yard
was a large closed van, drawn by two horses, with lettering on its side and a
sly-looking man in a low-crowned bowler hat sitting on the driver's seat. And
Boxer's stall was empty. The animals crowded round the van. `Good-bye, Boxer!' they chorused,

2. Write a journal entry from Boxer's point of view when he is taken in the van. Consider what he can see, hear, smell and feel? Be as descriptive as possible. 
Today I am in a small cramp van. It is very stuffy and small. I hope the farm is doing well. I...I smell poo. That smell bad. Anyway I am being shipped to a vet in the U.K. I feel that once I am better I can work, until my retirement. I ask myself, did I do enough in the farm.
3. What do you think is the biggest betrayal of Boxer:

    (a) the fact that he didn't get to enjoy his retirement 
    after working so hard?

    (b) the fact that he was killed?

    (c) the fact that his last words were misrepresented?

    (d) his remains were used to buy a case of whiskey?

I think the biggest betrayal of Boxer is d. He was always a hard worker and he always was very hummable. He did not die because he drank, he die because he was killed, and Napoleon should feel horrible.

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