Monday, November 4, 2013

1. Napollen had a plan all along to take over the rest of the animals and have them work while he lived like a human and had special privileges. This was one of his plans to help him take over and have no questing from the other animals.
2. not much of a difference they are still having the same amount of food and they are still in labour, but they are not being killed or have horrifying tools used on them.
3. Boxer is a worker he works harder then anybody and he always listens to Napollen. He is under the spell of Napollen and he would do anything that he says. As he says "if Napollen says it then it must be right".
4. There were two rules changed one was that there would be work on sundays to speed up work on the windmill, the other is that they added words to a rule with no one knowing so that the pigs could have it.
5. Squealer says to the rest of the animals that more work needs to happen so they had decided to have work on sundays.  This means that the animals have no day off and will work very hard throughout the week. The rule that no animal shall have have a bed was changed to "no animal shall have a bed with sheets". He says that we all have beds and that sheets are for humans and that they are not sleeping on sheets but blankets.
6. He says that they are to move into the farm house because, they are the ones thinking and that they need somewhere quit to sleep to think and rest.
7. pleases see question 4 for the answer. My opinion is that this will not end nicely some of the animals remembered the comments and will notice the change. The pigs are digging themselves way to deep into trouble.
8. The threat that is always said that gets the pigs out of a lot of things is "you don't want john back". this scares all of the animals and gets them in place.

1 comment:

  1. Jon Luc! I'm super impressed with your answers. Your understanding of the novel is very clear to me, great job!
