Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Q's for Animal Farm (Week 7)-Tais

1a. Is education vital to a successful society? Why/why not? Who has a right to be educated and who does not?
Everyone has the right to an education, it is if you want to take the opportunity. I think you have to have a perseverance to go on and get educated. I think it would be useful to get an education, because you can go farther.

1b. Do you think the government has a right to make people stay in school until a certain age?
I think that people have the right to do whatever they want, so if they want to quite school they can. I think that they should stay in school because you can get father and become whatever you want to be.

2. Do you think it's fair that those who are more educated (like the pigs and dogs) have more influence in the decisions made on the farm? Explain your answer.
No, because in the commandants that they wrote, it says that everyone is equal.Everyones ideas should be heard and be thought about. They should think about what is best for the farm, because they do not want Jones back.

3. How does Napoleon create a culture of fear in this chapter?
He uses that excuse that if he goes, Jones would come back and this scares the animals and it shows Napoleon a way around them to get into their minds.

4. At this point in the story, is life on the farm better, worse or equivalent to Jones’ reign? Provide rationale for your response.
I think that it is a bit of both equal and worse from when Jones left. I think it is worse because Napoleon is depriving the other animals with no food. He is making they all work more from when they took over.

5. How is history re-written in this chapter?
I think it is change because the dogs ate the four pigs and turned them into bones.
6. “From now onwards I shall get up a full hour earlier in the mornings”. Do you think Boxer is more naive or more devoted? Why?
I think that Boxer is a very devoted horse. He s works very hard to get little or nothing. Napoleon needs to appreciate Boxer and all of his hard work he does for the farm. All the animals need Boxer, or else it will not function properly.

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