Monday, November 4, 2013

Ch 5-6 Grace

1. Why do you think Napoleon decided to educate the young puppies in seclusion? 

I think he decided to educate the animals in seclusion because he did not want any other animals to know what was going on. He also probably did not want the other animals to explain to the puppies why he was lying to them.  

2.Chapter 6 describes life on the farm now that Napoleon has taken control. How does life for the animals compare to the life they led under Mr Jones?

Napoleon is abusing his power. He is taking control of the animals and enslaving them to do whatever he wants them to do. He is making threats like "I will not feed you" and he is breaking the 7 commandments for his personal benefit. 

3. What are your feelings about Boxer in this chapter? Give evidence to support your answer. 

Boxer is a brave, hardworking horse who works 3x harder than any of the other horses. I think he does this because he is not so smart. It gives him something that he can be proud of and something for other animals to look up at him for. 

4. Another commandment is broken in this chapter. Which one is it?  

Napoleon breaks the commandment about 2 legged animals not being their friends. He begins to use Mr. Whymper to  buy oil and iron nails. He is seeking help from a human which is against all of the rules!

5. How does Squealer explain this? 

Squealer says that nothing in the 7 commandments says that they cannot seek help for trading from humans. 

6. How does Squealer explain the pigs’ moving  into the farm house? 

The pigs change the 7 commandments to say no animal should sleep on a bed with sheets. So any animals can sleep on a bed as long as there are no sheets involved. He also explains that the pigs need to be comfortable when they sleep to be able to run the farm smoothly.  The animals eventually agree with him. Squealer is a very persuasive well spoken pig. I wonder why he never participated in the debates between Snowball and Napoleon. 

7. With what threat are the animals constantly reminded with by Squealer?

Squealer is constantly reminding the animals that Mr. Jones was bad and that they should do what they are told to keep him away, which is kind of ironic because Napoleon is the animal version of Mr. Jones. 

1 comment:

  1. Grace - this is the best work I've seen from you on the blog. Your answers are thoughtful and I love the "I wonder" question about Squealer not contributing during the debates. Great job!
