Sunday, November 3, 2013

Chapters 5 and 6
1. Why do you think Napoleon decided to educate the young puppies in seclusion? 
To train the pups for his own protection. The more secluded  the area is the less time it would take them to learn.

2.Chapter 6 describes life on the farm now that Napoleon has taken control. How does life for the animals compare to the life they led under Mr Jones?
Now that Napoleon took over he put an end in Sunday Morning Meetings, he felt that they were unnecessary and a waste of time. Now a special committee of pigs led by Napoleon answered all future questions. They still saluted the flag Sunday morning and sang Beast Of England, they revised their orders for the week and the debates ended.

 3. What are your feelings about Boxer in this chapter? Give evidence to support your answer. 

I feel Boxer is more a follower then leader, he tends to lean towards the general feeling of the crowd then his own instinct. "If  Conrade Napoleon says it, it must be right" " from then on he said "Napoleon is always right", in addition to "I will work harder".

4. Another commandment is broken in this chapter. Which one is it? 
In August, Napoleon said that there would be work on Sundays. Even though the work was voluntary,  those animals that did not work on that day, their rations were reduced in half. Napoleon also came up with a policy  that if anything is needed they go to the neighboring farms. Napoleon had Mr. Whymper act as a mediator between Animal Farm and the outside world. The fourth commandment was broken also, the pigs slept in the beds.

6. How does Squealer explain the pigs’ move into the farm house? 

Squealer convinces the others that the pigs should have comfortable and enough rest due to all the extra brain work that is put in during the week. And that there is nothing wrong with sleeping in a bed between two blankets and not sheets. Moreover,  he makes them feel guilt for even questioning the latest developments.

7. What has changed in the writing of the Seven Commandments? What is your opinion about this?

Now the Farm Animals have to work on Sundays, and the rule of sleeping in beds has also been broken.  Only having one day off is rough and having no days off is a challenge, I also think that the no sleeping in beds rule should be strictly followed. If not everyone can sleep on a bed, no one should.

8. With what threat are the animals constantly reminded by Squealer?

Squealer is constantly threatening that Mr. Jones will come back and things would be worse.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Cecilia. Your response to question 6 is excellent. I especially like that you incorporated a transition (Moreover) into your response!
